Embroidery on the Side of Caps

Looking to embroider on the side of caps?

Easily done, keeping within the side panel if required or even overlapping the panels.

Classic Embroidery

Cap Style
5  Panel Baseball Cap


Product Link
5 Panel Adjustable Cap

Side Cap Embroidery

stitch side cap embroidery

stitch side cap embroidery

Classic Embroidery on the Side of Caps

Side Cap Embroidery Tips

  • Keep you classic design elements above 1mm.
  • With small text, choose capitol letters as small letters close up.

Side Panels on Caps

Either side, left or right side of caps can be embroidered. Keep away from the adjustable section at the rear of the cap.

Side Embroidery Area

As a standard your design should fit within a 70mm area to keep within the side panel stitch area.

Embroidery Placements

Embroidery Placements

All caps differ in size from embroidery area to area. For example most flat peak caps have a higher embroidery area than normal baseball styled caps.

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